J'ai découvert une nouvelle fan de l'ouverture Philidor et également de son contre gambit. Anja Kersten des Pays-Bas, joue sous le pseudonyme Anja50 sur le site chess.com. On lui doit une belle partie analysée par un joueur israëlien du nom d'Ori0. Anja a bien failli battre son fort adversaire dans cette variante Berger si cher à notre ami Jim West.On trouvera les commentaire d'Ori en Anglais et les miens en Français.
Thielen Jan (NED) 2146
Kersten Anja (NED) 1662
Corr, Chess.com, 09/11/2011
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 f5 4. dxe5 fxe4 5. Ng5 d5 6. e6 Bc5 [Problem is it runs in to 7.Nxe4,dxe4 8.Qh5+,g5 9.Qxc5 with a winning position for white. therefore for black you should have played 6.Nh6 preventing your opponents threat Nf7 and preparing to develop your bishop and castle.] 7. Nf7 Qf6 [Qf6 is a nice move though your rook is still trapped after white plays either Be3 or Qe2 preventing your mate threat.] 8. Qe2 a6 9. Nxh8 Bxe6

10. c4N Nc6 [The move is ok but you have a better move. instead 10.Bb4 is strong. your opponent cant play 11.Nc3,Bxc3 12.bxc3,Qxc3 13.Qd2,Qxa1. therefore your opponent is forced to play Nd2. This causes your opponent some issues because he cant develop his pieces. (this is why the theory for white last move is c3 not c4). now if you will try to think of moves for your opponent you will see he cant develop. Your bishop pins the knight and can never be chased away, because a3, Ba5, b4 runs in to Qxa1. This causes the continuation to be- 10.Bb4 11.Nd2,Nc6 12.g3 (only developing move for white) Nd4 13.Qd1,Nf3+. and you are doing really well.] 11. cxd5 Bxd5 12. Nc3 O-O-O 13. Be3 Nd4 [13... Bb4 !? suivi de Nge7] 14. Nxd5 Rxd5 15. Qg4+ Nf5 [15...Nf5 is a mistake after 16.Bc4 you are loosing material. Better is 15...Ne6 now- 16.Bc4 you play Bb4+ 17.Kf1 Rd6 and you don't loose material (Bb4 is forced because if not 16.Bc4 Rd6 17.Bxc5 wins for white). Cependant 15... Ne6? 16. Bc4 Bb4+ (16... Rd6 17. Bxc5 +-) 17. Kf1 Rd6 18. Qxe4 +- F.Fournier] 16. Bc4 Bb4+ 17. Kf1 Kb8 [awesome move Nxe3 threatened ;) ]

18. Qe2? [18. Qxe4 reste peu clair] 18... Nxe3+ 19. Qxe3 Rd2 [19...Rd2 caused you to capture whites rook by a forced combination, but you gave a knight and a bishop for it so you didn't gain material but you showed good calculating abilities :) If you would have played rd8 whites knight is NOT trapped but after 19...Rd8 20.Nf7 (forced, if not you play Nh6 next and trap the knight) 20...Rf8 you get a knight and bishop for your rook. Les Noirs doivent gagner avec 19... Bc5! 20. Qe2 Rf5 -+] 20. Bxg8?! [20. Be2! afin de permettre Rd1 et de supprimer une pièce d'attaque noire.] 20... Qxb2 21. Re1
21... Rd4 [21... b6! menace Bc5] 22. Bb3 [22. Qc1 +-] 22... Bxe1 23. Qxe1 c5 [amazing move! the next few moves are forced. you gain a bishop for your past pawn. the reason your opponent cant play Be6 (and save his bishop) is you play next Qc2 and Rd1 winning whites queen!] 24. g3 c4 25. Bd1 c3 26. Kg2 c2 27. Bxc2 Qxc2 28. Qc1 Qxa2 29. Qf4+ Ka7 30. Nf7 Qd5 31. Qe3 Ka8 32. Rc1
32... b6? [32... Kb8] 33. Rc8+ +- Kb7 34. Rd8 Qxd8 35. Nxd8+ Rxd8 36. Qxe4+ Kc7 37. Qe5+ Kc8 38. Qxg7 Rd7 39. Qc3+ Kb7 40. f4 a5 41. f5 Rc7 42. Qf3+ Kc8 43. f6 Rf7 44. Qc6+ Kd8 45. Qd6+ Kc8 46. Qe6+ Rd7 47. f7 Kc7 48. f8=Q a4 49. Qa8 b5 50. Qa7+ Kc8 51. Qexd7# [1:0]
La partie au format PGN:
[Event "Chess.com"]
[Site "Corr"]
[Date "2011.11.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "JanThielen"]
[Black "Anja50"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C41"]
[WhiteElo "2146"]
[BlackElo "1662"]
[Annotator "Ori0 (ISR)"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5 4.dxe5 fxe4 5.Ng5 d5 6.e6 Bc5
{problem is it runs in to 7.Nxe4,dxe4 8.Qh5+,g5 9.Qxc5 with a winning position
for white. therefore for black you should have played 6.Nh6 preventing your
opponents threat Nf7 and preparing to develop your bishop and castle.}
7.Nf7 Qf6 {is a nice move though your rook is still trapped after white plays
either Be3 or Qe2 preventing your mate threat.}
8.Qe2 a6 9.Nxh8 Bxe6 {%08DA} 10.c4 {N} Nc6
{The move is ok but you have a better move. instead 10.Bb4 is strong. your
opponent cant play 11.Nc3,Bxc3 12.bxc3,Qxc3 13.Qd2,Qxa1. therefore your
opponent is forced to play Nd2. This causes your opponent some issues because
he cant develop his pieces. (this is why the theory for white last move is c3
not c4). now if you will try to think of moves for your opponent you will see
he cant develop. Your bishop pins the knight and can never be chased away,
because a3, Ba5, b4 runs in to Qxa1. This causes the continuation to be- 10.Bb4
11.Nd2,Nc6 12.g3 (only developing move for white) Nd4 13.Qd1,Nf3+. and you are doing really well.}
11.cxd5 Bxd5 12.Nc3 O-O-O 13.Be3 Nd4 ( 13...Bb4 {!? suivi de Nge7 F.Fournier}
) 14.Nxd5 Rxd5 15.Qg4+ Nf5
{15...Nf5 is a mistake after 16.Bc4 you are loosing material. Better is
15...Ne6 now- 16.Bc4 you play Bb4+ 17.Kf1,Rd6 and you don't loose material (Bb4
is forced because if not 16.Bc4,Rd6 17.Bxc5 wins for white).}
( 15...Ne6 {?} 16.Bc4 Bb4+ ( 16...Rd6 17.Bxc5 $18 ) 17.Kf1 Rd6
18.Qxe4 $18 ) 16.Bc4 Bb4+ 17.Kf1 Kb8 {awesome move Nxe3 threatened ;) %08DA}
18.Qe2 {?} ( 18.Qxe4 $13 ) Nxe3+ 19.Qxe3 Rd2
{19...Rd2 caused you to capture whites rook by a forced combination, but you
gave a knight and a bishop for it so you didn't gain material but you showed
good calculating abilities :) If you would have played rd8 whites knight is NOT
trapped but after 19...Rd8 20.Nf7 (forced, if not you play Nh6 next and trap
the knight) 20...Rf8 you get a knight and bishop for your rook.}
( 19...Bc5 {!} 20.Qe2 Rf5 $19 ) 20.Bxg8 {?!} ( 20.Be2 {! afin de permettre Rd1
et de supprimer une pièce d'attaque noire}
) Qxb2 21.Re1 {%08DA} Rd4 ( 21...b6 {! menace Bc5} ) 22.Bb3
( 22.Qc1 $18 ) Bxe1 23.Qxe1 c5
{amazing move! the next few moves are forced. you gain a bishop for your past
pawn. the reason your opponent cant play Be6 (and save his bishop) is you play
next Qc2 and Rd1 winning whites queen!}
24.g3 c4 25.Bd1 c3 26.Kg2 c2 27.Bxc2 Qxc2 28.Qc1 Qxa2 29.Qf4+
Ka7 30.Nf7 Qd5 31.Qe3 Ka8 32.Rc1 {%08DA} b6 {?} ( 32...Kb8 )
33.Rc8+ $18 Kb7 34.Rd8 Qxd8 35.Nxd8+ Rxd8 36.Qxe4+ Kc7 37.Qe5+
Kc8 38.Qxg7 Rd7 39.Qc3+ Kb7 40.f4 a5 41.f5 Rc7 42.Qf3+ Kc8 43.f6
Rf7 44.Qc6+ Kd8 45.Qd6+ Kc8 46.Qe6+ Rd7 47.f7 Kc7 48.f8Q a4 49.Qa8
b5 50.Qa7+ Kc8 51.Qexd7# 1-0