
La suite...
50. Kxc4
50.Kxc4 (100%)
36 votes cast.
JDudar :
As analyzed by our best minds for the past few moves 50. Kxc4 b2 51. Rg1 puts in motion the win.
rigamagician :
Yep. 50.Kxc4 puts them away for the night. 50. Kxc4 b2 51. Rg1 b1=Q 52. Rxb1 Kg6 53. Rh1 Kh7 54. Kd5 Bf4 55. Ke6 Bxh6 56. Kf7 Kh8 57. Rxh6#
rigamagician :
If they don't take our pawn, Averbakh outlines the winning method in Comprehensive Chess Endings volume 2. Apparently, when black's bishop is the same colour as the queening square of white's pawn, there is always a clear win.
56. Kf5 Bd2 57. h6 Be3 ( 57. Bxh6 58. Kf6 Be3 59. Kf7 ) 58. Rg7+ Kxh6 59. Rg6+ Kh7 ( 59. Kh5 60. Rg3 Kh6 61. Rxe3 ) 60. Kf6 Bd4+ 61. Kf7 Ba7 62. Ra6 Bb8 63. Rb6 Bc7 64. Rb7 Be5 65. Rb5 Bf4 66. Rh5+ Bh6 67. Rh4
And a recent example from practice:Del Rio Angelis, Salvador Gabriel (2504) vs. Korneev, Oleg (2566)
Dos Hermanas open 4th | Dos Hermanas | Round 6| 30 Mar 2004 | ECO: C77 | 1-0
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. c3 g6 7. O-O Bg7 8. Re1 O-O 9. Bg5 h6 10. Bh4 Qe8 11. Nbd2 Nh5 12. Nf1 Bd7 13. Bc2 Bg4 14. Ne3 Qd7 15. h3 Bxf3 16. Qxf3 Nf4 17. Rad1 Rae8 18. d4 exd4 19. Qxf4 dxe3 20. Qxe3 f5 21. f4 Kh8 22. e5 Qc8 23. Qg3 dxe5 24. Qxg6 Re6 25. Qh5 exf4 26. Rf1 Re4 27. Bg5 Qe8 28. Qxe8 Rexe8 29. Bxf4 Ne5 30. Bc1 Nc4 31. Rxf5 Ne3 32. Rxf8+ Bxf8 33. Re1 Bc5 34. Kh1 Re7 35. Bd3 Kg7 36. b4 Bb6 37. c4 Bd4 38. Bd2 b6 39. a4 c5 40. a5 bxa5 41. bxa5 h5 42. g3 Re6 43. Rb1 Rf6 44. Rb7+ Kf8 45. Be1 Nc2 46. Bxc2 Rf1+ 47. Kg2 Rxe1 48. Bg6 Ra1 49. Bxh5 Rxa5 50. h4 Ra2+ 51. Kh3 a5 52. Rf7+ Kg8 53. Bg6 a4 54. h5 Be3 55. Re7 Ra3 56. Bc2 Rc3 57. Bxa4 Bf2 58. Kg2 Bxg3 59. Bc6 Bf4 60. Re4 Be3 61. Kf3 Bd4+ 62. Kg4 Kg7 63. Bd5 Re3 64. Rf4 Kh6 65. Rf7 Re1 66. Bf3 Rg1+ 67. Kf4 Rc1 68. Re7 Rxc4 69. Be4 Bg7 70. Kg4 Rxe4+ 71. Rxe4 Bc3 72. Re6+ Kg7 73. Rc6 Bd2 74. Rxc5 Be3 75. Rc6 Bd2 76. Rg6+ Kh7 77. Rf6 Kg7 78. Kf5 Bc1 79. h6+ Kh7 80. Kg4 Bxh6 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Rf7+ Kg8 83. Kg6 Bg1 84. Rf1 Bh2 85. Rf2 Bg3 86. Rg2 Bd6 87. Rd2 Be7 88. Ra2 Bf8 89. Ra8
50… b2
50...b2 (100%)
50...Offer Draw (8%)
12 votes cast.
breizatao :
On continue par 50...b2 comme on l'a dit précédemment.
50...b2 bien entendu. J'ai vu qu'il est possible de proposer nulle.qu'en pensez-vous ?
breizatao :
Pour la nulle. hum je crois que l'adversaire refusera nette surtout s'il a un logiciel avec les tables de Malinov en batterie qui lui dit qu'il est gagnant.
alain007 :
en fait, j'ai joué b2, puis j'ai confirmé mon vote. malgré tout, le système a conservé la possibilité de proposer nulle. Ce que j'ai fait . Ca me semble parti pour durer. la finale est difficile. Bcp de possibilités de se tromper pour les blancs. il faut encore y croire .
51.Rg1 (100%)
33 votes cast.
player03 :
Rg1, preventing the pawn from promoting, maintaining a secure presence along the g file so their king can't enter. I assume their gonna queen next move and after we take the queen, their king will gobble up our h pawn. But as Riga pointed out in numerous diagrams before, the win is still there.
Darth-Bunny :
51. Rg1 looks good. This follows riga's suggested line.
mistermax :
They can't capture our h-pawn. 51.Rg1.
rigamagician :
As I mentioned last time, after 51.Rg1, if they gobble up our h-pawn, we have an easy mate. I posted Averbakh's winning method and a recent win in a similar position last turn. If you missed it, you can take a peek in the Archive. 51. Rg1 b1=Q 52. Rxb1 Kg6 53. Rh1 Kh7 54. Kd5 Bf4 55. Ke6 Bxh6 56. Kf7 Kh8 57. Rxh6#
Talj :
They should resign! There is no way ot for them!
michael2jb :
Talj, they may not have seen the mating threat and only concerned with getting our pawn at the moment. In fact, unless they analyze it, they may be thinking this is a draw at the moment.
rigamagician :
As we saw in our other game, Team France has a FIDE Master on their team named simplechess, so I suspect they know that they are lost, but they just want to make us prove that we know how to win it. If they are careful not to take the pawn, the winning method takes quite a few moves, and white must be very careful. I think it is reasonable for them to make us play it out. [Et rigamagician a tout à fait raison sur ce point...]
51… b1=Q
51...b1=Q (80%)
51...Offer Draw (18%)
51...Ke4 (10%)
51...Kf4 (10%)
11 votes cast.
breizatao :
Il n'y aura pas d’échecs permanent Pier-Ange. On joue 51...b1=Q 52.Rxb1 Kg6 53.Rh1 Kh7 et on prie pour obtenir la nulle au bout de 50 coups! (rires)
alain007 :
exact, il faut continuer par : 51..b1=Q
Pour mémoire, la position résultat de cette suite est théoriquement gagnante pour les blancs… cependant la méthode n'est pas tout à fait évidente et on peut espérer que les blancs ne soient pas 100% efficaces .donc s"armer de patience pour une guerre "psychologique".
52. Rxb1
52.Rxb1 (100%)
52.Offer Draw (3%)
37 votes cast.
jonathanasdf :
Well, at this point it is impossible for us to lose - K+B cannot deliver mate under any circustances.
hmmmm? Here's a possible diagram from our move: 52. Rxb1 Bh8 53. h7 Kf6 54. Kd4 Ke6+ 55. Ke4 Kf6 56. Kf4 Ke6 57. Kg4 Kf6 58. Kh5 Ke6 59. Kh6 Kf5 60. Rh1 Kf6 61. Rh5 Bg7#
rigamagician :
Jonathan, are you sure that those are the best moves that we could play? It looks like white may have made a mistake or two especially near the end.
jonathanasdf :
Oh dear me, that may be the case. I'm not especially bright you know. But if we just made these tiny mistakes then we might lose, even if they only have a king and a bishop, which completely goes against what mistermax has said! So we need to do our best not to make these mistakes. I'm sure we can do it!
classicmusic0505 :
lol this has to be the most obvious move ever!.
rigamagician :
Jonathan, I think that it is likely that mistermax meant with best play by both sides.
mistermax :
I was actually imagining that even if we blundered away our rook and pawn, leaving K vs. K+B, we would in any event be perfectly safe. I never thought about the possibility of a helpmate - so I stand corrected!
rigamagician :
I think instead of dreaming up ways to lose, we might want to devote some thought to how we are going to force a win.
jonathanasdf :
I thought you already figured that out. :)
rigamagician :
Yuri Averbakh has it figured out. I am still trying to figure out how we get from our current position to his diagram below. 52.Rxb1 Kg6 53.Rh1 Kh7 54.Kd5 Bf4 55.Ke6 Bxh6? 56.Kf7 Kh8 57.Rxh6 mate works, but we are going to have to put our thinking caps on if they play 55.Be3 say.
ezr611 :
Riga, we could just try to advance our pawn to queen it to force their king and bishop towards the corner after 52.Rxb1.
rigamagician :
ezr611, could you give us a sample variation? After 52.Rxb1 Kg6 53.Rh1 Kh7, it looks like we wouldn't be able to advance our pawn anymore because their king is in the way.
bigfish :
Rg5 is obviously the best move!
ezr611 :
Well I would not have the best analysis because I am not the best at moving for the other team but after 53.Be3, we have 54.Kf5 followed by Kg4 and Kh5. Then our rook is free and can attack their bishop and then get our rook to the 7th rank. After that, they have lost because once they retreat to the 8th rank, the game is over after h7. If they sac their bishop to defend their king, then we can just take it with our rook and finish them off.
rigamagician :
I think you're right that we need to move our king to f5 as that is obviously a key square in Averbakh's diagram below, but after that, we can maybe bring our rook up to the sixth rank by threatening their bishop with our rook. That brings us pretty close to Averbakh's position. I think our king needs to stay central, so that we can force their king to the edge of the board. I don't think we can pull off h7 though because their bishop can always capture our pawn if our king wanders away from the f6-f7 area.
52. Rxb1 Kg6 53. Rh1 Kh7 54. Kd5 Bf4 55. Ke6 Be3 ( 55. Bxh6 56. Kf7 Kh8 57. Rxh6# ) 56. Kf5! Bd2 ( 56. Bxh6 57. Kf6 Kh8 58. Rxh6+ ) 57. Rd1 Be3 58. Rd6
ezr611 :
Instead of 58.Rd6, I think 58.Rd7 is better forcing their king to the 8th rank.
52. Rxb1 Kg6 53. Rh1 Kh7 54. Kd5 Bf4 55. Ke6 Be3 ( 55. Bxh6 56. Kf7 Kh8 57. Rxh6# ) 56. Kf5! Bd2 ( 56. Bxh6 57. Kf6 Kh8 58. Rxh6+ ) [[57. Rd1 Be3 58. Rd7+! Kg8 ( 58. Kh8?? 59. Kg6 Bc5 ( 59. Kg8 60. Rd8# ) 60. Rd8+ Bf8 61. Rxf8# ) 59. Kg6! Kf8 60. h7 Ke8 ( 60. Bd4 61. Rxd4 Ke7 62. h8=Q ) ( 60. Bc5 61. h8=Q# ) 61. h8=Q+ Kxd7 62. Qe5
rigamagician :
ezr611, thanks for taking a look at it. Unfortunately, 58.Rd7+?? Kxh6! lets them escape with a draw, but 58.Rd6! looks like it will win though: 58.Bxh6 59.Rd7+ Kg8 60.Kg6 Kf8 61.Kxh6.
ezr611 :
LOL. I actually just noticed that. I feel dumb right now.
rigamagician :
No, that's OK. As long as we figure it out before it's our turn.
bbrout :
They are very close to zugzwang.
52… Kg6
52...Kg6 (90%)
52...Offer Draw (40%)
52...RESIGN (10%)
10 votes cast.
alain007 :
52...Kg6 comme prévu
pionpasse :
j'ai bien peur que vous jouez avec et pas contre les acadiens...je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi 48... Be5 et pas le naturel b2.
alain007 :
pionpassé: sur 48...b2 les blancs répondaient tout simplement 49.Kc2 et n'il y avait plus aucun espoir car le Roi blanc contrôlait les cases c2 et b1 et les noirs étaient paralysés.
48...Be5 préparait discrètement la manœuvre 49...c4+ tout en contrôlant la case b8 (sur b2 la tour est obligée de jouer en g1)
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