Le Maître international grec Panayotis Frendzas (photographié ci-contre) partage quelques analyses sur le contre gambit Philidor. Celui-ci répondait à une analyse du joueur tchèque Martin Zeman. Les deux passionnés n'étaient pas franchement d'accord, d'autant que M.Zeman considère P.Frendzas comme un tricheur ??? Martin fait la chasse aux sorciers qui utilisent des logiciels et a lancé dernièrement l'idée de créer une ligue anti-ICCF. Il est vrai que de nos jours, le jeu par correspondance est troublé par l'utilisation des logiciels de plus en plus nombreux et de plus en plus forts. A l'époque où les computers étaient absents, certaines personnes dénigraient déjà ceux qui utilisaient des livres, des revues et autres analyses de forts joueurs.
Concernant la variante 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe4 Nf6, je rejoins l'analyse clairvoyante du Maître dont je donne la teneur de ses propos rendus sur le forum de chess.com.
For the record, your new "deep" lines are still completely flawed.
- Black is simply lost after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5?! 3.Nc3 d6 4.d4 fe4 5.Nxe4 d5? 6.Neg5 (6.Nxe5 is unnecessarily complex, though probably good as well). Now 6...h6 is simply busted by 7.Nf7, 6...e5 [sic! 6... e4] by 7.Ne5, and 6...d4 [sic! 6...exd4] by 7.Bb5+ (7.Nxd4 is also good, and simple) 7... c6 8.0-0! and Black won't live long.
- 5...Nf6 is virtually the only move, when after 6.Nxf6+ gf6 7.de5? de5 White has very little, if anything. But of course white needn't be so compliant, and play something logical like 8.Be3 or Be2,when Black's position is every bit as miserable as it looks.
Your 6. ... e5 and 6. ... d4 aren't legal moves! Perhaps did you mean e4 and exd4, I am guessing? Yes, 6. ... exd4 looks quite weird, but black might be OK there, although without any advantage he is struggling for, and natural 6. ... e4 unfortunately has tactical flaw 7. Ne5 Nh6 8. Nxe4 dxe4 9. Bxh6 and now black can't play 9. ... gxh6 10. Qh5+ and must give up a pawn. 6. ... h6! is correct however - your 7. Nf7 is plain unsound, although it is quite complex and maybe the best try for white: http://www.chess.com/games/view?id=572165. That means your 6. Neg5? leaves black with decent advantage for free. Real bummer for self-styled great opening "expert" like you, white and end up in bad position in less than 10 moves against such dubious Latvian.
I see it may be tough for you to realize I have been de-facto talking about inferior Philidor lines (inferior for white) via transposition your 3. Nc3?! allows. I doubt you would recommend 3. Nc3 in Philidor since 3. ... f5 isn't busted here like after the main 3. d4. Unlike in classic main Latvian lines, black can have clear aspiration for advantage here.
Sur mon assertion que 5... Nf6!? devait être la meilleure réponse, P.Frendzas écrit:
Yep, agreed. 5...Nf6 is positionally forced, yet Black has difficult problems to solve after 6.Nxf6+ gf6 7.Be2 or 7.Be3 (7.Bd3 isn't bad, either). Black will suffer for quite some time to find a shelter for his king, and good squares for his undeveloped pieces. Not 7.de5? de5! though, when I think Black can equalize with precise play- his lack of development is compensated by his central control and the fact white has no direct threats.
While Black's position is playable, it's safe to assume that white has a moderate positional advantage, and his position is certainly much easier to play.
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